Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Accepting Orders for Nov 29th

Yes we are already accepting orders for the Dec Good Food Box.

I need to have ordered placed with me, (preferably as a post to the blog) by Monday Nov 24.

The pick up will be Friday Dec 5th, but I hope to experiment with the pick up location. Details to follow.

I did just want to also thank those who let me know if they have produce that is not good. From what I can tell this isn't always the case with all boxes and it is just a few. I am very happy to know about this as I do pass this information along to the organizers in Calgary.

It is helpful to keep in mind that this is an entirely volunteer run endevor. No one is making a profit out of this and thus the costs can still be reasonable. I don't think this is a good reason for bad produce, but it might help explain it.

As always, please email, phone or respond to this blog if you have any questions or comments and of course orders.

Many Blessings,