Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Accepting Orders for June 16

Hello Everyone!

I know it seems soon (because it is) but it is already time to order your Good Food Box . Just post your replies letting me know what size box you want and how to contact you. While you are at it, just do up the arrangements for payment; be that dropping it in the mail or swinging it by my office.

The boxes will arrive June 27th, same place, same time. If you can't make it at those times, please make sure you arrange with someone else to pick it up.

This will be the last box until August, but essentially it will be September as that is when you will get your boxes. As Farmers markets are still going strong and hopefully everyone's gardens will be producing well by then, there is a good chance we will cancel this order as well. If there is only a small amount of orders it will be cancelled. If you know that you will want to order one, just help us drum up some orders and it won't be a problem.

As usual, if you have questions, concerns or comments, please leave them here or email me at
